Tuesday 19 May 2015

Day 2 Treatment log

07:30 - 2 500mg Anadin Parcetamol as the head spike was back when I woke up :-)

08:30 - Time for Steroid Drip (30 Mins) 1g of Metilprednisolone nice early one this morning :-). Awaiting confirmation that the IV Antihistamines will be done next and the pesky Genzyme Rep to ask why the pain killers for the headache are not in the standard protocol :-)

10:30  - IV Antihistamine adminstered Chlorphenamine 10mg.
10:35 -  Lemtrada plugged in 4 hours of the good stuff here goes another 20% of my immune system :-)

11:30 - Paracetamol arrived on time and head spike averted :-)
13:00 - Cyclozine (anti sickness) taken indeterminate dosage
14:30 - Lemtrada done, line flush time to get every last drop of the good stuff gets in
17:00 - More Paracetamol as the head spike was trying to make a return

Blood pressure and heart rate have been really steady and normal today where as yesterday hey were a bit up and down, but then I did put an offer in on a house yesterday (which I expected to be rejected and it was) ours goes on the market today the valuation is happening right now as I type and I'm putting another offer in later of another 10k on top of the initial offer which I'm more optimistic will be accepted. Funnily enough every time I talk about it my BP goes through the roof :-) nothing like multi tasking. I've got loads of work done today (around my post antihistamine snooze - it's good stuff)

I'm feeling really good, no fatigue no exacerbation's of current MS symptoms making it look like another relapse. The lovely Dr Halfpennny came for a visit earlier, and the nurse who's the specialist here gave me the business card of someone looking into Lemtrada as treatment for a chat - Hi Nick hope I've not bored you to tears :-)

All things considered this is amazingly uneventful and going really well, I'm almost looking forward to the rash so I can 'SEE' it working it's way through me. All that prep seems to be paying off

Good luck and much love to Lemmies everywhere xxx


  1. Hi Tracy, it's john, finally logged in. I'm glad day 2 has gone so well, I slept heavily Tuesday night and felt ok Wednesday, but the fatigue started kicking in slowly and found it harder as days went on.
    Good luck finding your dream home, hopefully the right one comes along soon.
    Good luck for day 3,
    John. :)

    1. Hi John
      Day 3 underway and still feeling epic which is unusual as my last Oxygen Therapy was last Friday and I'm usually heavy limbed and achy by now with bad cog-fog. I know that the initial feeling great phase is not permanent it's a bit like a football team getting a new manager then having a couple of great wins before returning to their usual rubbish performances ... but I I'll take every good thing as a bonus ss


So MS is the thing I'm least concerned about now

Not something I thought I would be saying and also if I['m going to be brutally honest with myself it's probably at least half of th...