Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Losing weight and inches, sunshine and the light at the end of the Covid tunnel

In the last 3 weeks I've made a bloody good start on my diet 😁😀

Tuesday 23rd February

Weight loss 12.6lb's or 5.7kg if you're that way inclined

Inches lost (cumulative total of neck, bust, under bust, waist, arms, arse, thighs) a whopping 19.5 inches

I'm still doing as many Kilometres as I can on the bike and have done 65.5km so far and would very much like to have done 100km but the end of the month 😎

The sunshine is back here in Berkshire and the temperature is rising again. Now if the wind would just bugger off it would be perfect.

There are daffodils blooming around our area and it's all starting to look like Spring is starting to sprung.

Life hasn't really changed much for me, my weekly 'trips out' remain as a trip through the Costa DriveThru. I had a very fleeting run through the local asian supermarket and I'm also seeing the physio once every 10 days again to help get my shoulder sorted after I tripped over the kerb at Costco a couple of months back.

I had a telephone consult with the urologist about the need to pee thing and that's all getting under control now.

Valentines day was lovely the Tom Kerridge banquet was very much an all day feast with a mahoosive Beef Wellington as the star of the show (it was also a day off the diet - YAY carbs)

I've won the Friday night poker tournament with the guys from FF 3 times on the bounce (playing sober has certainly helped with performance)

My birthday is looming on the horizon once again - On March 3rd I'm going to be 49 EEEK not entirely sure when and where that happened because I'm pretty sure I'm only 27 (in my dreams maybe)

MS wise everything remains the same, if anything perhaps the being sober, losing weight and getting some exercise is doing some good - I got up this morning and didn't reach straight for pain killers - in fact I've been at my desk since 8am and it's now 15:30 and I still don't need any and it's been an awfully long time since I could say that.

Perhaps the new office chair has something to do with that ?

Wednesday 24th February

I forgot to publish this yesterday so it's ticked over to another day 

Weight loss now 13lbs 😎

The sun was still shining this morning and the high winds have continued such a shame that it looks so lovely but it's bitterly cold out.

Pain killer update - I haven't taken one since Monday evening - now thats something I haven't been able to say for years.

Post Covid Ox-Az vaccine part 1 - it's all good 😎

Enough wittering from me, hope you're safe and well and take care of you.

Much love from me xx

Sunday, 7 February 2021

I've cycled 20k this week, begun a new diet, not left my home and am struggling with 'normal'

 It's been a while but honestly I'm really starting to bore the heck out of myself, Nothings happening for me or anyone else it's just the same beige every day.

I've started dieting again, Lighter Life this time - I will confess I'm doing it the same way I used to do Cambridge though rather than following their rules. It looks like I'm on for over half a stone loss in week one (including a small G&T related wobble on Friday night) so that's good. Unlike my other (many) attempts in recent years, Gareth is actually making an effort to 'do this with me' ...... by that I mean he's made a few concessions and isn't completely rubbing my face in drinks, chips and bread products.

The Recumbent bike has had a bit of a thrashing too, I've done 20km on it so far this week and there's an intention to do at least another 8km on it later today (although the little voice in my head that is probably OCD is telling me to try for 10km so it's a round number)

MS wise well nothings changed I'm on Oc now, I feel no different to how I usually do so I figure thats good - if something was breaking I'd hope I would notice it.

I have had a bit of a mental wellness wobble in recent weeks, I've had part 1 of my vaccine, everyones getting excited about life returning to 'normal'. Going to the Football and Rugby, going to the pub, Farmers Markets and Country Shows, The Good Food Show at the NEC, a Comedy Gig or the Theatre 

The thing is, I realised I've not done many of these things for a long time, not just Covid Times and Lockdown times, I've been pulling back from things like this for many years ---- probably about 7-8 years if I'm honest with myself.

That predates Lemtrada, it even predates my diagnosis ....... My version of normal has somehow been a Tier 2 lockdown protocol for years ...... I hate that. So once again I'm focusing on reducing my weight, building up strength.

I need to do this for me, watching everyone go through lockdown which apart from the going to work thing was pretty much my 'normal' and seeing how it's affected them has made me take a look into the mirror and I can see those thoughts and feelings reflected in me.

So here's the latest vLog ..... my hair is now super long compared to when I started it :) - it's also partly pink, partly ginger and mouse coloured at the roots ..... I'm probably best described as a 'strangely pink tabby'

Hope you're well, safe and taking care

Much love


Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...