Wednesday 8 May 2024

Yikes 2 posts in a month

 Who is this person who's actually updating Tracy's blog I hear you wondering ....

2 posts less than 3 months apart - surely I've been replicated by a machine - one that remembers to do stuff .

'Tis me

Okay maybe it's because I need a bit of a whinge - not MS related, the blasted Crohn's has reared its ugly head again. A week into the exercise routines from the Neuro Physios and my insides went nuts like the Alien film where that chap is on the table in the canteen and the damn thing is chewing it's way from the inside out - Fun fact - the person who wrote that scene has Crohn's ..........

So I was making decent progress, the walking was improving I had a spreadsheet for all the exercises and doing them diligently but this has put a spanner in the works to say the least. 3 months of mega steroid doses again, my ankles are the size of my knees and the only shoes that fit on my feet are ugly old people shoes.

I guess the take away from this is that improvement is certainly possible and achievable - once the Crohn's pain takes a long hike off a short cliff.

Anyway not much else to add except summer has come to Berkshire, it's glorious, blue skies and sunshine and the strawberries are making an appearance in the garden. 

Life is good (if a bit ouchie right now)

love from me x

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So MS is the thing I'm least concerned about now

Not something I thought I would be saying and also if I['m going to be brutally honest with myself it's probably at least half of th...