Friday, 29 October 2021

I take it all back Oak Furniture Land

 So the end of the week rather than the start but WOW just WOW

They've restored my faith in humanity

Our delivery was scheduled between 10am and 1pm. 

  • They called at 08:45 saying they'd be a bit early and arrived at 09:15
  • They were in an appropriately sized Luton Van
  • They unpacked it all and brought it in
  • They set it all up 
  • They took all the packaging away with them
I should add I'd paid for the premium delivery with unpacking and setting up but honestly it was worth every penny.

Winston however doesn't seem to understand the message on the cushion in my seat 😂😂😂

And before it sets anyone else OCD off (mine went nuts when I saw the first picture) the painting has now been straightened up 😂😂😂

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Comedy, fun, plans going wrong and the death of Bob

 I should start with the death of Bob .... 

Bob was the name I gave my electric wheelchair. On Saturday / Sunday Bob suffered a fatal chassis injury and is to pinch the word from the film Tango and Cash .... FUBAR 😞 The part of the chassis attached to the back right wheel sheared clean in half and there's just no fixing it. 

I am now £1,699 poorer having purchased Bob Mark II - I'm really hoping that he makes it here by the end of the week because going without over the weekend will seriously restrict the amount of fun I can have.

The sofa is being collected tomorrow by a nice man who's going to give it a new home and the 2 new reclining sofas are arriving on Friday (fingers crossed - it's coming from Oak Furniture Land and they've not had great success in the past in making things arrive down our lane in an appropriately sized vehicle and it was due 3 days ago so Friday is already a delay)

The En-suite fitting so we finally have a usable shower was supposed to start this coming Monday but the anti slip shower tray hasn't turned up so that's now put back to the end of November - another month of trying not to fall and smash my brains out trying to get in and out of the bath in the main bathroom for me ....... 😢

I've got the follow up appointment with the spine guy next week after the procedure I had. I suspect that this is going to necessitate another type of treatment - Facet Joint injections ... they don't sound fun at all.

Christmas is coming, everyone is getting an orange and a mince pie each this year since I've spent all my savings on Bob II - so that plan has all gone a bit anti gravity breasts.

We've been out to a couple of comedy gig in the last 2 weeks - at proper venues not online ones. Jonathan Pie for the first one and Scott Bennett for the 2nd (although the disabled ramp at the Scott Bennett gig is the thing that killed Bob so perhaps ultimately not going to be quite so fondly remembered) 

I have an appointment on the 8th to get my MRI results from the weekend before last - then we will see if I've had some activity and discuss what it means in terms of continuing with Ocrevus, maybe back to Lemtrada, or maybe even the big one if something is happening.

In the interim, life is good roll on Christmas and a well deserved rest.

Hope you're enjoying life


Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...