Tuesday 11 May 2021

The great bunny rabbit rescue and a mad month of stuff

 That list I published of the bedlam that is this month is getting longer by the day - I'm adding to it not reducing it in any way

03/05 - Having a back, neck and shoulder massage and she's going to do some work on my legs too

11/05 - Blood Test  to check up on my naughty thyroid's current state of play. 

07/05 - Oxygen treatment 

10/05 - Winston in surgery to remove the infected tooth that has been causing him problems

11/05 - Car being collected by the bodywork people to fix the damage where Gareth scraped it down a fence - this may be finished today or possibly tomorrow

12/05 - Gareth is booked for his first Covid Vaccine (okay it's not me but it's exciting that his number has been called)

14/05 - Off to Watchet for a week long holiday

15/05 - Meeting Tim and Lisa and their dogs for zoomies and probably dinner later at the house in Watchet (which is actually their house) 

22/05 - Oxygen treatment - INSIDE & PRESSURISED - oh my but I'm looking forward to this 

24/05 - Gareths car is being fully Valeted (I forgot to mention to the guy doing it that it hasn't been cleaned in 5 years)

25/05 - My car being Valeted (I did mention mine is full of dog hair and he may find a long lost sausage roll in the back somewhere)

27/05 - Charing Cross Hospital - Ocrevus Round 2

29/05 - Oxygen again

That's all without the working from home and just living stuff - it's all starting to feel a little like normal again.

I had a lovely meal out with Claire and the girls on Sunday. It feels like such a long time since we were able to do anything like that. Much fun was had by us all.

Winston had to have surgery yesterday, where his face had swollen last month, it came back again so I asked his vet (not one of the revolving door of vet-lings that they have in) to deal with it. Winston had a tooth taken out and a clean up and is feeling quite sorry for himself, but is on the mend now

Bit of a drama this morning next doors rabbit is out and on the run - I did try to capture it but it was faster than me. You'd think having had one disappear 10 days ago they'd be a little more careful (they thought Murphy might have had him but I'm pretty sure he didn't because Murphy's rabbit dinners are easily identifiable) we have red kites, foxes and all sorts round here, bunnies should not be roaming wild (was in next-door but one's garden when last spotted) - I've emailed everyone to see if they have contact details but nobody's turned up yet.

AFTERNOON EDIT - Neighbours got home and the bunny was still hopping around, after much chasing around and linebacker movements she's been caught and the best news of the day - it wasn't another escapee - it was the one that went missing a week and a half ago. She's now back in her hutch safe but knackered - almost as knackered as I am 😂😂😂

Hope you're well



So MS is the thing I'm least concerned about now

Not something I thought I would be saying and also if I['m going to be brutally honest with myself it's probably at least half of th...