Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Putting Lemtrada risks in Perspective

Just a short update - some stats and comments :-)
  • deaths from Lemtrada so far are 2 (two) or .002%.
  • Deaths from Tysabri are 731 or .007% (three times that of Lemtrada).
  • Deaths from Viagra are .1.
  • Deaths as a result of choking on Lego are 57 (I can't find a figure for stepping on Lego and falling and killing yourself but it would be on top of the 57)
  • Severe disability for those with MS who do nothing is 100%. You may not be disabled today or tomorrow, but it will catch up with you eventually how much damage is too much before you say 'enough'
  • Lemtrada is 80% effective in extended clinical trials at stopping progression.
  • Treating your disease aggressively now will keep you from being severely disabled.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention the side effects and associated statistics caused from the disease itself. I'd love to see a head to head chart with the risks of MS set out next to DMTs.
    For example a 34% risk of thyroid problems and a 2% risk of ITP pales in comparison when research indicates 50% of people with MS are unemployed within 10 years and the same percentage is seen in respect of cognitive difficulties.

    While it can be argued not everyone with MS ends up severely disabled I imagine defining what is severe differs from person to person as it does between organisations.
    Interestingly, the information I read regarding the unemployment rates was associated with an EDSS score of 3.5. 3.5 is considered only a moderate impairment with no associated walking difficulties, yet I would consider an inability to work a severe impact on QOL.



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