Monday, 3 April 2017

R2Wk45 - Month 10 blood results and Spring is finally here

Week 45 done and dusted, apologies for no update last week, I tried to do one a couple of times and realised that in that time my life was so dull in that period I decided not to torture you with it….

The summary of the week before last is ‘work, work, work, handovers from people leaving the business zzzzzzzzzz – dog walking, life good, blah blah blah’

Mother’s day as always was emotional and nostalgic, I still can’t quite wrap my head around the reality that she’s gone, let alone that they are all gone. Gareth bless him was awesome with me crying all over him randomly.

The only real thing of note is that I tried to go back on the Cambridge Weight Plan as slimming world really doesn’t work for me. Unfortunately, after 3 days of waiting for Ketosis to kick in and feel that spike of energy the mental clarity and the boost to my mood I realised it would never happen. Cambridge has more than doubled the amount of Carbs in their products – the nirvana of Ketosis was no longer achievable.

A low carb Ketosis diet works for me, it’s my weight loss method of choice, so out came the carb counting app, the ketone sticks and some wonderful internet resources. Boom – 8lb’s lost (well it’s the first week so most of that is water but I’ll take it) happy me.

The dogs are loving spring and the longer days, the sunshine and just the general upward turn in positivity, they had their first formal meet, greet and play with next door’s puppy yesterday afternoon, Rocky-Dog was a little nervous – they’re only the 2nd other dogs he’s ever met but he seemed to want to play, so hopefully group walkies at K9PP soon for them all for socialisation and fun.

In other news on the 24th I had my Month 10 bloods taken and as usual Basingstoke Path Lab took a week to turn them round. My naughty thyroid probably now deserves to be called a ‘reformed thyroid’ I can’t keep saying it’s naughty when that one month of blip has now been followed by 3 months of good behaviour I think. Lymphocytes continue their slow and steady march back to the low end of normal (breed slowly little Lymphocytes – a fully functioning immune system in me is highly over-rated)

The little voice in my head does slightly wonder what changes may happen to my blood and pee results next month as a result of the diet – I will make sure that the lovely Dr C and the equally lovely Margaret know what I’m doing closer to next month’s bloods.

So here it is in it’s usual format for the blood watcher out there.

Enjoy, (the bloods and Spring) xxx


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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...