Monday, 26 September 2016

Roud 2 Week 19 - Lem Girl On Tour - Ola from Portugal

Well after last week's last minute panic and stress


Greetings from Sunny Portugal, I'm sitting on the veranda in the shade (ginger awareness) drinking freshly squeezed orange juice and taking in the view. It's so beautiful and relaxed here.

I thought that the first thing I should update is how the stress was affecting me, and after a couple od days I'm pleased to say almost everything is now back to normal. Even better I think is that my reaction to that level of stress seems to be perfectly 'normal' because Gareth was a ruined as I was by all the stress, it's taken him as long to get over it as it has for me. Obviously the sensory problems were not ones he had, but everything else - pretty much text book 'normal' people response to that kind of panic.

I have a healthy supply of Portuguese 'medicine' should I need it and an invitation to a BBQ next week with our lovely neighbours who are getting married here next month. We will get to meet Brian's son who owns this lovely house we are staying in.

We've had out first Piri Piri chicken and discovered an amazing Bitter Almond liqueur which beats Amaretto every time and discovered some really lovely wine which is €2.99 a bottle YAY

Gareth's just told me he needs a haircut desperately - I had to laugh because he was standing there with his hair all stood up on end looking 'fluffy' for want of a better description. I had jokingly said yesterday that perhaps while we are here I'll find a hair dresser and get mine all chopped off .... the temptation now is getting very strong to join him under the scissors ..... watch this space.

Just a short update I'm afraid, but everything is awesomeness. Love and anti bac hugs xxx


  1. I have spent all last night and this morning reading your blog it has been like a nice, funny and factual book that I couldn't put down �� I've decided on Lemtrada for treatment and finalise this on Wednesday with my MS team. The risks scare me but no more than the risk of PML. I'm having a really crappy relapse at the moment well for 3 weeks now and steriods �� so this read has been really good and I look forward to reading more. Lots of anti bac hugs �� xxx

    1. Adele
      Thank you for your reply, apologies for not responding sooner .... but the whole lack of a laptop thing after the burglary in portugal kind of made everything go off on a vry creepy tangent. Good luck with your treatment, if you need to talk drop me an email, I'm happy to share contact details for stuff like skype / facetime and all that nonsense (which works on my phone despite the lack of a laptop .... LOL) take care of you xxxx


Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...