Monday, 5 September 2016

Week 16 Post round 2 - where did the nice weather go?

Greetings from a rather 'moist' Berkshire. With the arrival of Autumn the sunshine and lovely weather seems to have departed and left behind never ending drizzle.
We have new neighbours on our left who moved in over the weekend and the ones on the right go any day now (sad to see the left go but like the new people very much - can't wait to see the ones on the right leaving as they clearly have deep issues in their relationship which are unhealthy)
Last week was relatively quiet and uneventful, work relaxation and some socialising with great friends on Sunday over epic wood fired pizza (although we didn't rehash much of our plans and roles in the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse this year - Possibly because Rob has gifted us each with a copy of 'The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide and should all be studying it regularly LOL)
19 days until we go on holiday and 18 days until the dogs go to doggie bootcamp in Dorset with 'Uncle Craig' and his pack of dogs. we're hoping they learn how to greet other dogs and people in a controlled manner and hopefully Winston learns not to bark at random stuff like leaf's floating through the air and anything that makes a sound outside the house.
MS wise this week has been entirely uneventful and symptom free apart from the odd sofa snooze in the evening.
I really don't have anything more interesting or exciting to report which I guess you could view in one of two ways .... it's either
  • really great because there's nothing bad (or good) to report about the MS
or .....
  • quite tragic in regard to the lack of social life and interesting stuff

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...