Monday, 20 January 2020

4yrs 8mths and a little bit - visitors, cooking and Amber update

Back in work again, sadly another week has passed and the powers that be at the Euromillions have decided once again that this this week it isn’t me L

It’s been freezing here for the last week, with the smart meter that shows the cost for the gas and electric rolling round at high speed racking up an eye watering daily charge. Being so cold does have some benefits, clearing up ‘dog nuggets’ from the garden is far less gross – flip side it’s like a skating rink getting to the lawn LOL
We had Gareth’s parents down for the weekend, lovely to see them and catch up and as usual we cooked up lovely things – slow cooked Greek Lamb leg on Friday and BBQ’d on Saturday (well mostly Gareth did because I was hiding in the house keeping warm and watching the Newcastle v Chelsea game – last minute Newcastle goal for a win YAY) Alternative Sunday dinner was chicken and pineapple fajita’s with lime sour cream and refried beans …. And tonight I’m aiming for Toad in the hole (but to be fair that was plan A yesterday too LOL)
I had my monthly ‘stabbing’ on Friday and was hopeful for blood results later before I hit the publish button for this post. I’ve just called and they’ve not been reviewed yet so try again tomorrow please ….. ho hum, based on recent form there’s a high chance having written this it could be 3 days before I remember to publish it so watch this space.

I have my annual meet up with the neuro 2 weeks tomorrow and as ever even though I’ve had a sneak peek at the result I’m still nervous …. Silly me ….
Amber is much better after the fright she gave us a couple of weeks back, Beagling on like the star that she is. Winston and Bella are mad and Murphy-Cat is as lovely but cowardly as ever. Gareth loves his new job and much more chilled out these days.

I’ve decided a year without a working shower in the en-suite is long enough and contacted a plumber to come and quote for the work myself. The old saying of ‘if you want something done, do it yourself’ comes back to haunt me again J

Amber’s ‘mini’ that I won in a charity raffle to raise funds for BeKind Rescue was made last week and has arrived. It’s amazingly good and the lady who makes them is super talented (I’ve had July 20th this year booked for having the other 2 made since May last year so in 6 months’ time we will have a full set) I had 3 ordered so I donated my 3rd back for another raffle – it didn’t seem right to just reduce my order when I had planned to pay for 3 anyway so they got 2 raffles for 1 in the end
Look how wonderful the replica of our girl is – I did consider posing her with the mini and a real carrot but decided the ensuing bedlam was too likely to end up with something being broken LOL


Hope you’re taking care of you, wrapped up warm and feeling loved.
It’s still Monday and I’m going to publish …. Will wonders ever cease so back tomorrow (hopefully) with blood results xx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...