Monday, 13 May 2019

The last post of YEAR 4 - sunshine, and stuff

Scores on the doors for things I wanted to achieve over the long weekend
Jobs around the house – FAIL
Relaxation – WIN
Eye Check-up – PARTIAL WIN
Dogs having lots of fun – WIN

The hospital went well yesterday, the Ophthalmologist has said I can now stop the drops and the gel stuff in my eye. She did say I can’t be signed off just yet, I have to go back again next week to check the infection hasn’t returned with me stopping the drops – she went to great lengths to explain that the infection in my eye was very severe and it’s imperative that they are sure the infection is gone (flesh eating eye thing sprung to mind when she was talking about it – EEEK).
I have an appointment next Sunday to go and have my eyes tested again to quantify just how much my prescription might have changed, plus since I can’t wear contacts any more, I’m going to need prescription sunglasses as well as just normal ‘seeing’ glasses (I can hear the savings account whimpering at the damage this is going to do to him)

The 4 day weekend was lovely, although I never did get round to doing the house stuff and Gareth forgot to mow the garden (you’re going be in trouble with doggy day care for that one Gareth)
We are trying something new with Winston to see if it will help with his separation anxiety, CBD Oil of all things – it’s supposed to be very effective for dog anxiety. Watch this space for progress updates.

There are going to be busy times coming up in the next few weeks, it’s also coming up on ‘that’ time of year again when it’s the anniversary of losing people and all that. I’m hoping the busy makes for it being more balanced this year.
We finally got round to watching season 1 of Call Of Duty over the weekend, binge watched season 1 in a single sitting. We always seem to get to these things long after the rest of the country has enjoyed watching them (I joined ‘Vera’ at season 8 earlier this year)

Dog news …
Amber is much better, she’s still very wobbly and can fall over, but she’s still completely mad for her food and loves to go off an ‘beagle’ so unless she’s unhappy we are okay with that.

Winston seems to be dealing with Ambers stroke far worse than she is. His separation anxiety has gone through the roof.  He shakes when he thinks we are going to leave the house and barks hysterically when we do. We are doing what we can to keep him in a calm state of mind, music playing when we do have to leave him, Adaptil Plug ins around the house (it smells like old people here) lavender oil on all the dogs collars and some CBD Oil as a food supplement.
So we are trying a new brand – yes – WE are, the dogs and I are now on simply CBD – the light formula arrived a few days ago and I figured since I have to remember for them – well I might just remember for me to so why not give it another try. It’s been a couple of days, it’s way too soon to tell if it will be effective for Winston or me, but his desire to vanquish anyone who comes to the house (particularly the postman) and the continual, never ending buzzing in my left hand – well they both seem a little reduced – could also be wishful thinking though so I will reserve my product review. Winston will stay on the light – my I’m pending a delivery of the blue formula (but sharing the dog dose in the interim J)

Sorry – it’s now Monday of the next week – this is still open in a Word document on my laptop and I haven’t hit post yet – I’m a bad, bad blogger.

Well the weekend was lovely, BBQ on Sunday after I’d been and had my eye appointment – new glasses are on order and arriving on the 25th, there’s a small snafau with the sunglasses but that should be resolved later today with a phone call.
Saturday was a great chance to catch up with friends at the social event of the year – Jasper’s 3rd Birthday Party (we are so rock and roll)

Yesterday evening I had the surprise news yesterday evening (randomly through an obscure slating of someone’s dish  on Rate My Plate) that my lovely friend Terry is over from Australia so we are going to catch up over the next couple of weeks with him and hopefully also with his lovely other half when she gets here. It’s been 2 years since we saw them so it’s going to be lovely to catch up with them.

I’m back at the hospital tomorrow for what will hopefully be the last check up on my eye. Thursday I’m at Circle Hospital again for the follow-up appointment with ‘the spine guy’ – I’m not entirely convinced that the being stabbed in the neck thing did much at all overall, but I’ve pretty much got used to living with the slightly numb arm now so I’m not inclined to do anything more invasive to try and correct it.

Winston and I have been on our CBD rations for a week, he seems a little calmer (well the neighbours haven’t complained about him this week) he still shakes when we leave, but I think is barking has reduced. I wish I could just have a chat with him and find out what is triggering his anxiety though (if Dr Doolittle is reading this please get in touch) For me, well my left hand is still ‘buzzy’ but then it has been for years so that’s not new, I’m upping the dosage a little this week to see if that can help (as per the guidelines) will update if something wonderful happens.
As usual at this time of year, my thoughts are turning to my weight and doing something more proactive about getting some ‘chunk’ off. I’ve lost 2 stone doing the 16:8 fasting method, but I’m thinking it’s time to up the ante a little, lower the carb intake and double the reward. And if I’m brutally honest I’ve been quite rubbish with 16:8 in the last few weeks so I need to give it a bit of a boost anyway. We only have 3 months to go until we go on holiday so there’s my target – lose as much as I can by our holiday J

I have my first bloods of Year 5 on Friday. This is the final year of my mandatory monthly blood tests. It’s strange, but part of me isn’t comfortable with the thought of them stopping. As much as it’s a pain in the arse getting them done, there’s a level of comfort to be felt from getting them - I’m not entirely sure I want them to stop. The subconscious does strange things sometimes, I’ve been looking forward to them being over and done with and now I’m nervous that they will be over and done.
So that’s me for this week (and last – still sorry about that)

Hope everyone’s enjoying some sunshine and better days

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...