Wednesday, 10 April 2019

3 years 46 weeks - OMFG the week of hideous pain

Simply where to start ....

It’s wednesday I can finally see again so I’m updating the blog.

 It should be said that any mistakes that I made in this weeks blog on the Responsibility of Siri and not my crap typing

 Okay let’s start with what I’ve already told you about the spine guy and getting my left-arm sorted    Had he mentioned in our previous discussions that he was going to directly inject into the nerve cluster  then I might of been a little more apprehensive    I went in there expecting pain free loveliness and getting over my fear of being stabbed in the spine   This was not the case

When someone injects directly into your nerve cluster, it’s a little bit like being electrocuted like what you see in movie torture scene - it really bloody  hurts.  Especially when whimpering in pain you beg him to stop so he does. You’re now trapped - you can’t move, just lay there and swear and then tell him to get in with it. In totial the agony actually lasts the best part of three minutes whilst electrocution feeling continues   Fortunately as soon as they remove the needle everything went back to normal pretty quickly and it seems to have done the trick so far.

 The surprise horrifically painful thing

I should start by saying that given the choice I would go back to the spine guy and let him do ^^^^ again another 2 or 3 times before I EVER go through the next bit again.

 We are walking round Costco on Saturday with Gareth’s mum and dad when my eyesight started to go very weird   I could literally see light trials from the fluorescent lights a bit like being in a nightclub without the good music and nice dunks.  by the time we left I realised my left contact lens was becoming painful I took it out and thought no more of it.  Sadly by that point the damage was already done.

Sunday was just horrific I had my eyes checked I was told it was a scratch keep it clean it would be okay but I was so sensitive to light and the pain was so awful I didn’t know what to do with myself

 There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to get into work on Monday those electric lights they have in offices burnt my eyes, by now left side of my face felt like i had been rabbit punched to the side
Of my face - my eye was so painful I didn’t know what to do  When I hadn’t slept at 3 o’clock on Tuesday morning I dragged Gareth out bed and to the hospital.  Confirmed (again) Scratched my eye but quite possibly an ulcer as well -  we left the hospital at 7 am with instructions to return for the eye A&E at 9 am  -  sleep is for girls

 Was confirmed at the emergency eye clinic not only do I have a big gouge on my left Iris there is an ulcer there   I now have many types of drops one of which has to go in every hour on the hour 24 hours a day

 I woke up today and I have almost no sight in my left eye it looks like someone has put a brick through the windscreen of my vision and I can see almost nothing  Neadless to say when I phoned in this morning to my boss I was in tears he’s just told me not to bother for the rest of the week. I’m back at the emergency eye ward tomorrow at 1:15 pm to see how it’s coming along and I’m hoping that the loss of vision is the ulcer feeling And not permanent sight loss.

 Now before anyone gets excited and thinks this has anything to do with Lemtrada  it’s just something that happens to people who wear contact lenses.  It’s an extreme reaction to something getting under my lens and scratching my eye  Needless to say my vanity is simply not that big and this is not the first eye injury  as a result of wearing soft lenses however it will be the last.  I’m simply not willing to ever go through this again   My eyesight might be rubbish my left eye might be my very rubbish eye  what is rubbish  as it is I can see through it and I’m not willing to risk that.

 So apologies for a strange update but that’s all I’ve got right now sitting here in the dark talking to my iPad with one eye closed and the other mostly closed to hide from the light of the iPad screen

 Hope you’re all doing well much love xx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...