Wednesday, 6 March 2019

3 years and 41 weeks - 37 hours awake messes with you

The epic weekend of working is done. I started at 7pm on Sunday night (nice way to spend my birthday - not) and finished at 6pm on Monday night. This was not helped by being awake at 6am on Sunday morning and not managing to get any sleep during the day - although I did have a rather lovely lunch at Pho - an awesome Vietnamese restaurant in Reading.

Total scores on the doors

Total time awake : 37 hours
Total time at work : 23 hours
Total time asleep when I finally got home : 12 hours

Back in the office at 08:10 Tuesday morning, Feeling more than a little jetlagged but the wheelchair stayed in the car not in the office so that's a win

Weekends like this happen very infrequently in my line of work. I'm the Senior Program Manager but when we have big implementation weekends like this my projct managers, test guys developers and Integration managers are all up and working these hours as well so it's only right and fair I'm there to support them to manage escalations or issues when they happen. Technically I'm no use when it comes to actually performing whatever actions are required to fix things, just co-ordinate stuff, but when it comes to keeping people fed and fuelled up with coffee and redbull (other energy drinks are available) to keep them going, to ensure if someone does need to stop or take a break I can swap them out for a fresh resource - that's my role.

It's unusual for someone in my role to stand up with the team through a whole window with the guys, but to be honest for me it's a duty of care thing, I shouldn't be asking anyone to do something I'm not willing to do myself.

Today I'm even more knackered than I was yesterday, Bob's been liberated from the car and in the office with me. I hate that I need him, but it is what it is *shrugs shoulders*

Amber-dog had what appears to be a mini stroke last Friday, she was awfully wobbly all over the weekend, falling over constantly when she tried to get up or when she was on her feet. It was awful and heartbreaking to watch, but by Sunday afternoon she had improved to just looking a bit drunk. We have to accept that she's very old now and it's going to happen some time soon. I'm not going to be ready for it, my Mum won't need me to look after her baby any more, I'll never be ready for that.

There is no other news in my life, it's been work, more work and a little more work and everything else has been sleep.

I'm a very dull person this week - sorry :-(

Much love and wishing you a great week xxx

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