Wednesday, 13 June 2018

3ys 3wks - magnesium experiment update

I feel I should really apologise in advance the mini ‘flurry’ of posts last week (well 2 of them) has left me thinking there’s not really anything even remotely interesting to report this week except an update on the thyroid / / menopause / magnesium experiment..

So far I’ve only tried the liquid form of the magnesium, my logic being because it is in a more absorbable form that it might have an effect more quickly. The Levothyroxine I know will take far longer to actually show some changes, although perhaps little changes in the bloods that are being harvested on the 22nd. It would be nice to see those TSH numbers dropping a little again they’ve been steadily creeping up this year along with that all important T4 number.

Serum Free T4 = 11.8
T4 11.3 PMOL/L (12-22)
MU/L (0.27-4.2)
T4= 13.2

So anyway interim results on the Magnesium trial – I feel better, I’m less tired, I have more energy than I did (but I’m not going dancing any time soon) things ache a little less, and surprisingly the twitchiness of my left foot has dramatically reduced - I would have said gone last night but it gave a couple of minor jumps while I was stretched out on the sofa I’ll stick with drastically reduced for now.

I feel brighter – sorry that’s a rubbish description but it’s the best I can do – perhaps it’s the sunshine, that I got a compliment on my weight loss, that I’m wearing summer dresses to work. It could also have something to do with some really great news I’ve received that I’m not in a position to share yet.
So tonight is Pilates, and the lovely Vicky is back and assuming there are no pipes of torture tonight that should be enjoyable, Bella’s back at dog training tomorrow, some dog walking planned for the weekend and very little else. Life is awesome and I’ll stop blathering on now and let you get back to important stuff.

Take care, much love

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...