Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Year 3 week 4 Sun, fun and pot holes

Well this is different, now I’m just posting Year 3 Week updates …..

The blood tests continue, but treatment wise – well I’m not on anything, not MS related or anything else. Life is MS free and continues to be as strange as it ever was.

I have an appointment with my MS nurse later this month, our bi-annual get together where we discuss how there really isn’t anything I need and that I’m doing great. There will be the ‘pesky thyroid’ discussion to be had, but that’s really not going to be terribly interesting assuming that my avoidance of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower brings it back again (that’s a pain in the arse when you’re trying to follow a Ketogenic diet) 

The weekend was lovely with lots of sunshine and a planned visit with ‘boy’ to see how he’s doing. We had a lovely walk with the dogs, but I think we ‘broke’ poor Winston with too many balls thrown he definitely overdid things and needs a few days of gentle exercise and lots of water to get him right again.

Today (allegedly) the pot hole people are coming to fill in all the craters in the lane which hopefully won’t cause too many movement challenges with the neighbours. The stairs however are an ongoing issue – allegedly they are being done Thursday and Friday this week (the belief in that is now starting to fade if I’m brutally honest since he’s still not come back with the parts order or confirmation of the dates)

Work remains completely hectic and insanely frustrating and rewarding at the same time – I’d say it keeps me out of trouble but to be fair I’m usually in the middle of a battle of one type or other all day every day so – not so much so.

Monthly bloods and pee tests are scheduled for this Friday (must remember to actually take the urine sample in this time) so hopefully news on the naughty thyroid and it will be more well behaved than it was last month.

I’ll stop waffling now. Virtual love, hugs and all that stuff to everyone xxx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...