Tuesday 5 July 2016

Round 2 week 7 YAY summer's back

Summer came back - kind of - we had a lovely weekend the sun was glorious and the dogs loved their time walking and playing ball in the long grass at the park (well they both looked very happy when they came out of the long grass as it completely covered them with only the occasional glimpse of a wagging tail poking up.
It was glorious on the way into work this morning but it seems to have 'deteriorated' somewhat as the day has worn on. It's grey and windy here in Newbury right now and it doesn't bode well for the dog walk down to the pub later on
It has been a nice lazy relaxing weekend of not doing much at all. I had my oxygen therapy on Saturday and the world remains a happy and energised place. I still go every week unless we are away doing something, I've said before the little voice in my head says ''but what would happen if you stop'. It's inconvenient because it messes up my Saturday plans but c'est la vie et la guerre so 11:15 until 13:45 each Saturday is booked for ever.
The lunchtime dog training on Sunday at the pub didn't happen as the trainer had forgotten to pop it in his diary, it's now rescheduled to next Sunday.
Football wise, I had to walk away from the Iceland v France game, My desire to support the underdog and team that put England out was mercilessly crushed by the time France put the 4th goal past Iceland - my dreams of an all underdog Wales v Iceland final will have to wait for another time.
Disappointingly I appear not to have won the Euro Millions again this week. I remain convinced that I am destined to win it simply because I'm the only person I know who's never won more than the basic minimum and even that very infrequently. I would prefer this happens sooner rather than later so I'm not old and infirm and smelling of pee and lavender by the time it happens.
I'm assuming that this 'Brexit' malarkey will not mean we are no longer allowed to play the Euro Millions as Camelot was the UK's brainchild even if it is now outsourced to Canada (although if it means that we can't play in the Euro's in future it might not be such a bad thing - less public humiliation) - clouds and silver linings and all that I guess.
MS wise it's all terribly uneventful I'm happy to report. a whole load of nothing happening here. All my improvements remain in place, all my symptoms remain blissfully absent.
It's starting to sink in now that this really isn't just a temporary thing it's a gift and that it's my responsibility now to take care of 'the machine' and keep it a healthy environment for my bone marrow to grown my new immune system into. I count myself as very lucky to have been diagnosed at a time when this was possible.

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