Thursday 21 April 2016

Where oh where did my blood tests go?

I've finally got 'part' of my tests last Friday back again, strangely without the blood results. Most strange. The doctors are chasing them down and I'm REALLY hoping I don't have to go and get another one done for April and wait until sometime next week for the results.
  Lower Level Upper Level Pre-Lem BASELINE April
Haemoglobin 120 160 144  
WBC Count 4.0 11.0 11.9  
Plt count  150 500 289  
Rbc count  3.8 5.8 4.67  
Haematocrit  0.36 0.47 0.445  
MCV 76 103 95.3  
MCH 27 32 30.7  
MCHC 300 360 323  
RDW 11 16 13  
Hypochromic  RBC % 0 2.5 0  
Neutrophils  1.8 8 8.09  
Lymphocytes 1.3 4 2.5  
Monocytes 0.2 0.8 0.83  
Eosinophils 0 0.8 0.24  
Basophils 0 0.3 0.12  
Liver Function        
Bilirubin 0 21 9 6
ALT 0 60 21 15
Alkaline Phosphatase 46 116 51 43
Albumin 35 50 45 41
Thyroid Function        
TSH 0.35 4.5   1.35
Urea and Electrolytes        
Sodium 133 146 139 140
Potassium 3.5 5.3 4.7 4.3
Urea 2.5 7.8 3.8 6.2
Creatine 44 97 62 69
eGFR per 1.73sq m 60 99999 >90 >90

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Yikes 2 posts in a month

 Who is this person who's actually updating Tracy's blog I hear you wondering .... 2 posts less than 3 months apart - surely I'v...