Thursday, 26 July 2018

3y 9wks Month 38 blood results

It’s that time again, monthly blood test results are in (maybe)
Last week was a manic whirlwind of activity on the work front, I love my new job, it’s manic and crazy and fun, a few uneventful days wouldn’t go amiss though J

The weekend has been quiet with minimal commitments to attend to, strangely this seems to have wiped me out more than the busy ones though (probably just my body being in shock and having a bit of a panic that it got a rest J)
Pilates starts again this week on Wednesday, strangely I’m not actually sure if I’m looking forward to that or dreading it. The beginner’s class was okay but the last one was hard, not in a make you sweat kind of way but in a ‘sometimes it breaks me’ kind of way. If it’s going to get harder again I’m not going to be able to do it.

We’ve also hatched a plan for a holiday. We put our requests in today for a week off at the start of September. Gareth and I are hopefully heading off to Normandy for a week of sunshine, calvados, awesome food and dog walks around the D-Day landings beaches and clifftops. We are planning to take Winston and Bella as they both have passports. Amber is too old and not strong enough for that kind of activity level so we will probably see if we can get her into our day care lady for a vacation of her own.
It’s now Thursday, I haven’t actually got round to posting this yet. Gareth went to Pilates last night but I didn’t. I was massively exhausted I’d had to work from home during the day and I just couldn’t have got through it so I stayed on the sofa with the dogs and snoozed.

On the holiday front = we we’ve both put in leave requests, Gareth’s has been approved, mine is still pending. We’ve not arranged pet care or booked transport or a rental Gite. In fact apart from a discussion about it and looking at some properties online we’ve done bugger all to actually get our holiday sorted.
Anyway – scores on the door time for my July bloods. Netrophils and Monocytes are still all over the place but closer than they have been. Lymphocytes are being boring and staying pretty even. My thyroid is staying in the normal range and doing as it’s told (it’s even a little lower than in the past)
Anyway, it's pretty 'normal' in my world right now - I'm sure it won't last long
Stay well everyone xxx


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 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...