Wednesday, 14 March 2018

1yr 43wks Post R2 - Cursed Sofa Part 3 - Life and Puppies

There is an acronym that's used sometimes in Text messages and on Internet forums
(I Swear You Couldn't Make This Shit Up)
This is the point I have now reached with the Sofa delivery - I'm writing it and even I can't quite believe that so much incompetence could be leveraged onto a single customer without forethought, planning and perhaps a need for sustained cruelty to the individual.

Sofa Delivery 'Act-3' was last Wednesday this is how it played out (please forgive the inelegant copy and past from last week's post) (and Yes I am now naming the furniture company involved)

  • Oak Furniture Land Delivery driver called to say he would arrive within the hour
  • Window fitter arrived to remove window
  • Delivery Driver called to say his Lorry wouldn't fit down the road (it was supposed to have been on an appropriately small vehicle like last time as per the order and emails to confirm this)
  • Delivery chaps pushed the Chaise part of the sofa down the lane on a big roller skate contraption
  • The incorrect 'sofa' part was removed through the gap where the window had been
  • The Chaise (note I'm not calling it the correct part) was inserted through the window Gap
  • Window fitter commences refitting the window
  • Drivers remove packaging from the Chaise
  • It's NOT the one I ordered
  • It's the right make, the right colour
  • It's one with the solid back cushions not the scatter cushion back that I ordered or it doesn't bloody match the sofa part
  • Because it's not the part I ordered even if the delivery drivers leave the large scatter cushions from the incorrect sofa part - it's still one large cushion short and looks rather odd (but they've left them here so whoever was due that 'sofa part' has no big cushions so thats another unhappy customer somewhere)
  • On a bright note the drivers did leave the 2 small cushions from the other chaise to try and fill the gap left by the incorrect number of large cushions
Back on the phone to them again trying to get this all sorted, my order is somewhere in the UK - but nobody seems to be able to tell me where. They're sending me the cushion (from the Chaise they can't find) this week by courier (because otherwise they can't guarantee it wouldn't turn up on a lorry again) The refund of the cost of getting the window removed and reinstalled (again) should hit my bank account this week, and I can keep the 2 small cushions the were left (because they can no longer reunite them with the chaise they took away - because they can't find that either - so there's another unhappy customer out there somewhere)

They've managed to arse up 3 customer orders in one go with this mess and a 8-12 week delivery lead time means I'm not the only one who's having an outright hissy - seriously they couldn't organise getting drunk in a pub with a free bar.

We had a lovely couple of nights out last week with Aunty Kathy while she was here, back to The Hand & Flowers in Marlow for one of them with fantastic food as always. The dogs all had a whale of a time at K9 chasing balls and each other and getting VERY muddy in the process.

In other news Bella is settling in well without too many puppy related accidents (and no further unprovoked incidents on defenceless plants) and she's definitely still growing - like a weed - she's going to be quite tall by the time she's done.

My hopeful news from last week didn't work out the way I'd hoped, but there is more on the horizon.

All things considered life is pretty awesome as always, the MonSter is contained and that's just what the Project Plan had scheduled.

I found a new blog today from someone having round 1 right now that I've found well written and made me smile - if you have a moment please take a read, it might help xxx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...