Wednesday, 30 August 2017

1 year 13 weeks post R2 - ARGH - I am SOOO Sorry

I swear that I remember writing an update two weeks ago and publishing it but apparently I didn't. The same with last week - I wrote it and left it on here in draft form and never hit the publish button.

Probably just as well really, it was rather dull and a bit whiney given that the weather here for the last 2 weeks has been damp with a side of damp and for dessert .... more damp.

Well the sun is shining, the washing is out on the line, my home office is all set up so I can work comfortably from home. Winston is being super cute snuggled up on the armchair with a great big teddy bear that belonged to my mum.

We've just finished a 3 day bank holiday weekend and whilst the weekend is supposed to be for resting we seem to have done loads, gardening, dog walking, shopping, late nights, early mornings (why oh why do I wake faithfully at 06:30am on a weekend when I went to bed at 2am but on a school night when I went to bed at 23:00 I'm having to claw my eyes open and drag myself out of bed)

I ended up having to use a mobility scooter to get myself around the big Tesco's at Camberley... well when I say use ... I got to between aisles 16 and 18 - near as dannit the furthest point from the door and the battery on the damn thing died ..... amazing how despite my energy being gone along with my balance and the feeling in my legs - I made it back to the counter as mad as hell and then gave them hell.

I'm looking forward to the weekend with the In Laws coming for a visit and a day out with Boy in Sunday.

Blood tests tomorrow for 3 months post round 2 so proper update early next week

Again apologies, life is going at a million miles an hour right now and I promise to do better xxx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...