Monday, 8 May 2017

R2Wk50 - Sunshine, Oxygen frustration and Winston-Dog is having a melt down

10 days today I will officially be a year post round 2


I managed to get in a cheeky Oxygen Treatment last Thursday which made life a million times better. I guess I need to have learnt my lesson that it’s still doing me a lot of good. Although the ‘soup head’ thing is a thing of the past, it is clearly helping a lot with my energy and recovery time and last week I paid the price for a few weeks off with bank holiday weekend and ‘life’.

The weekend was lovely with dog walks and relaxation and the first birthday party and BBQ of my friends’ beautiful baby boy.

I however didn’t get to double up with my weekend treatment as I was ‘told’ I’d been moved to accommodate someone who was late getting their treatment and unfortunately my plans for later in the day simply didn’t allow for that. Gareth was even more pee’d off about it than I was, and I was as mad as a wet hen. Apparently it is not ‘reasonable’ of me to book a timeslot and actually expect it to happen at that time …. GRRR. I now have another top up booked for tomorrow night in the chair which should set me straight again.

A week today I’m off to sunny Portugal for 10 days with my friend so I’ll apologise in advance if services are somewhat ‘interrupted’ while I’m gone. There will be WiFi and I will have a laptop with me (hopefully no break-in this time) so I will ‘try’ to update …… but I’m not making any promises LOL

Gareth’s taking next week off work as Winston Dog seems to have developed a sudden and irrational separation anxiety and has taken to sitting by the door shaking when Gareth tries to leave for work.

Life goes on, lots of love and germ free hugs, and hope the sun is shining wherever you are xxx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...