Friday, 3 April 2020

4+10+2 A week in lockdown and my trip 'OUTSIDE'

Yes you read that right I left the house - alone - twice

The first trip was an emergency trip to the opticians after my reading glasses exploded (damn things have been taking lessons from the toilet in the ensuite) a long queue outside our local Asda (the opticians is in the same building but not an Asda one) with appropriate social distancing and a hilarious lady in her 70's who when asked was she struggling with queuing with her walking stick burst out laughing and told me she was clearly more up to it than me since I was in a wheelchair .... some shocked inhales from those around us before they realised I was laughing my ass off and giving a social distance high five to the lady and conceding that she won.

The second trip was around Sainsbury's yesterday in Bob with a trolly and much distancing and hygiene practiced. I was complimented on my 'double wide vehicle' driving skills picked up only necessary quantities of essential items (yes in this house a bottle of Black Cow Vodka is an essential item)

My neurologist appointment hasn't happened, more about that in the latest VLOG (or is it Vlog ... vLog ??? I don't know - the video thingy) - I've tried to be a little less quiet on this one (let me know if it's better please)

It's also become very clear to me watching it back there are some things I need to address or acknowledge

  • My eyes really are VERY wonky aren't they 48 years and I finally realise just how wonky they are and no amount of makeup (even if I knew HOW to use it will help with this)
  • In this light I seem to have a faint 'moustache' ...... this I can deal with even in lockdown .... I have a cream for that and one of those vicious rotating hair grabbing machines
  • Oh but I'm fat ..... there's now an under the desk cycle contraption being delivered by Argos on Tuesday - might as well make working from home work for me
  • Yes that poor bear with his head hanging open has been like that for over a week and I need to fix his face
Ohhh and the sun has come out so I'm going to pop downstairs and hang the washing out on the line 

VLOG thingy is here : 

Stay in
Stay healthy 
Protect the lives of yourself and others

To those out keeping our countries around the world functioning, in shops selling food, deliveries, medicine, policing, transportation, farming and the many other essential services ... THANK YOU, BLESS YOU and YOU ARE HERO'S

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...