Thursday, 1 August 2019

4rs 2 month blood results and some awesome news

The wedding at the weekend was beautiful, Mr and Mrs Ward had a perfect day she looked beautiful and he didn’t look too shabby either J A wonderful celebration of their love and ties to the Royal Navy.
A little shopping, some lurking and relaxing and sadly the weekend was done, it was Monday again and suddenly it’s time to go back to work again (for 1 day before a couple of days off for our wedding anniversary)

I had a call from the doctors on Monday morning saying that they would like to talk to me about how the MS is going (apparently it’s un-nerving them somewhat that they see me for other stuff but apart from a monthly ‘stabbing’ the MS thing is awfully quiet). Rather than take up an appointment slot, Dr B is giving me a call on Friday for a chat.
I’ll have news for him that I received on Tuesday – BIG NEWS (unless his post has reached him – my copy arrived by email from the secretary the day it was produced) Below is the content of the letter regarding the tests the haematologist has done.

29 July 2019
Dear Miss Doust

I have reviewed your blood results which were performed following the previous clinic consultation.  The full blood count was entirely unremarkable with normal levels of neutrophils and lymphocyte counts.  The blood results sent for genetic markers to rule out an underlying cancer of the white cells including JAK-2 V617F and BCR ABL have both come back negative.  The ultrasound scan of the abdomen was entirely unremarkable.
I can chat with you about these results and the rest of the investigations when I see you in clinic next week.

Yours sincerely
Dr N

Laughing at the 'Miss' on the letter ...

There has never been a time in my life where I’ve been over the moon to be described as ‘entirely unremarkable’ TWICE and the double negative on the genetic tests is brilliant. This really was the Best Anniversary present ever. We had a wonderful meal at Menu Gordon Jones in Bath – I have to say that was simply stunning and everything we had hoped it would be.
A couple of days at home with the dogs mid week completely blew both mine and Gareth’s minds, we kept thinking it was the weekend, looking at diaries for what we were supposed to be doing on Monday when actually we needed to be looking at Thursday. Confusion as to why Saturday Kitchen wasn’t on the TV, that the shops were open after 4pm.

I’m back in the office today and working from sofa again tomorrow and then the weekend realy will be here J
Anyway this month’s bloods are in, less concerned about the monocytes and neutrophils now that the big C and the L word look to be off the table.

Hope everyone is staying cool in the warm weather xxx

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