Tuesday, 21 August 2018

3 years 13 weeks - Powerchair freedom looms

3 years 13 wks

Sometimes you’ve just got to roll with it, and rolling when required is just how it goes these days. Like the acceptance that I was going to need to apply for a blue badge, and that I might not ‘want’ to do it, the acceptance that there was a ‘need’ for it even if it wasn’t all the time.

We went to a Thai Food Fayre on Saturday, not massive a park with some tents and food trucks, we did a couple of laps at best of the event but getting back to the car was so very hard, my legs had turned to water.

That we hadn’t done the weeks shop yet and I now needed to navigate Sainsburys settled in my stomach like a sick dread. Fortunately the shittest scooter in the world wasn’t already out (yes they have 1 and they hide it in a cupboard to discourage people asking for it)

So I’ve left a couple of messages with suppliers to have demonstrations of super lightweight folding power chairs give them a try. I need to understand how the work, how much thy weigh, can I fold and move these beasties unaided, will they fit in the car easily would I need to rearrange the dog crate to fit everything? Important stuff, project manager stuff, risk mitigation and all that.

Randomly, it’s less than a couple of hours since I put my requests through for a demonstration session and one of them has come back to say they have someone in the area today – he can be here within the hour with the model I’m interested in and I hadn’t even got close to finishing typing this update. It’s going to raise some eyebrows at an on-site demo at work with me bombing round the car park LOL …. But hey-ho why the devil not J

I went for my monthly bloods on Friday so results should be available later today or perhaps tomorrow – since it took an extra couple of days for my repeat prescription to be released, there is a chance my thyroid reading might have slipped back to funky world for a short time.

And another random one – power chair demo done – I have the biggest smile on my face, it made life so much easier getting around – going through doors and in lifts would require some practice, but then it’s not for use in the office – it’s about life. It goes nice a fast, I can wheel spin it by turning fast and doing 'do-nuts'. In my head I can hear Comander Worf from Star Trek as he declares 'PREPARE FOR RAMMING SPEED' and yes mentally I have already imagined blasting through the Oracle Shopping centre in Reading at top speed - with a Jousting Pole ......... there is SOOOO much trouble I could get up to :-)

Really expensive, but what price is my freedom worth? The freedom to choose and go where I want when I want, to not have to be the one who has to call it a day because my energy has run out, or just to not go and do something because I don’t want to be a burden on everyone else and take away from their day.

Got another company calling back to arrange a demo of another brand – home one this time – LOL that’ll be interesting as Winston really doesn’t like anything on wheels – push bikes are a particular thing he hates, a wheelchair is just a funky push bike as far as he’s concerned J (he has taken umbrage with a wheelchair in the past) I’m sure he’ll get over it quickly enough, especially when it means he can go on adventures to the pub again.

Apart from the funks motor stuff, life has been quite sane for want of a better word, not my usual mad whirling through a million and one things and reaching the end of the week spent and in need of a good rub down with the sporting life.

AAAAND it’s now Tuesday, I haven’t hit the post button yet, but YAY I now have my blood results, the usual suspects are doing the usual things, but it’s all good J

OHHHHH  and apparently the cost of power chairs is ‘flexible’ if you challenge them on the cost of the chair, extra batteries etc. J

Haggle boys and girls, challenge the cost and get a deal J

Hope everyone is fighting hard xxx

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