Friday, 19 June 2020

5yrs & a month

Does anyone know where the year has gone so far ?

I'm starting to lose track of time I think, my once a week 'trip out' to Costco for 16 litres of diet cola and then a quick whizz round Sainsbury's for the shopping seems to mark the passage of time, those Saturday excursions are really the most exciting thing I do now.

It's Monday today so I've worked from home office again - actually I've not done a video from my new location so I might make time to do one tomorrow, hopefully it will be sunny and lovely but right now it grey and windy and absolutely lashing it down outside so I'll wait.

The dogs are still loving this life where the humans are always around to keep them entertained, Murphy cat is getting braver about coming in the house when the dogs are around but his cowardly streak is still very wide.

I've re-done my pink hair, and where it was only lightened last time and was a bit of a 'dipped' look is now properly pink.

It's Friday again, so tonight is poker night with the lads - I managed a respectable 2nd place again last week (vast improvement on the week before where I think I was first or second out) Football is also back here in the UK and tonight Gareth's beloved Tottenham Hotspur are playing Man United (not sure that's going to have a happy ending but on a bright note he's going to properly distracted playing poker so that can only be a good thing)

This weekend will be the usual lot of nothing terribly exciting I suspect but that's okay, there's a rumour going round that the weather is improving again which will be lovely - it's been quite grim for the last week or so.

I hope you're staying safe and sane.

Much love T xx

More video stuff if you're that way inclined - including my change of venue


  1. You are a lovely lady aren’t you.?
    Your hair is fabulous and so is your attitude and outlook.
    You should be very proud of yourself.
    You clearly take care of your animals really well as Winston looks like a right one (pampered. Cosseted, adored, heck loved - and mY he is handsome, with beautiful eyes (i.e. soul - is he your power animal?)
    You are a ledge, with witchy twitchy embellishments.... no mistake - an don’t you ever forget it. Use the force!
    It’s strong with you

  2. You are a lovely lady aren’t you.?
    Your hair is fabulous and so is your attitude and outlook.
    You should be very proud of yourself.
    You clearly take care of your animals really well as Winston looks like a right one (pampered. Cosseted, adored, heck loved - and mY he is handsome, with beautiful eyes (i.e. soul - is he your power animal?)
    You are a ledge, with witchy twitchy embellishments.... no mistake - an don’t you ever forget it. Use the force!
    It’s strong with you


Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...