Thursday 7 May 2020

4+11+2 - Quarantine continues and online shopping addiction

Has anyone else had a 'slight problem' with a rampaging online shopping addiction?

I saw an internet picture saying that the checkout button was not a replacement for mental wellness and had a good giggle about it, but looking back over the last 2 months, it's me - go on laugh, you're allowed, I'm laughing too even if my bank balance is weeping a little.

Don't get me wrong, the things I've ordered have all been beneficial to my mental well being, Wagyu beef, Iberico secreto, 10kg of Bread Flour for Gareth (who I now refer to as 'Bread God'), Portuguese Armaguinia, French Creme De Pamplemouse Rose, and a much more obvious pink hair dye. Lots of lovely things to BBQ and what at 48 is probably considered a mid life crisis hair change
My 'acquired brother' Steph said my hair looks like Bagpuss now ---- for those unfamiliar with the old British children TV show this is what Bagpuss looks like ....
For obvious reasons, once lockdown and social distancing rules permit I will be hunting my much loved acquired brother down to give him the slap he so clearly deserves. :-) Love you little brother but you know there's a law which says big sisters have to mete out punishments

Bread God has been cooking up a storm (hence the massive bag of flour) and I'm sure that, the good food and not being able to just get out and about is probably taking it's toll on my already considerably sized bottom and thighs but like the true coward I am - the scales are being ruthlessly ignored.

Tomorrow is the delayed May Bank Holiday here in the UK (Delayed from Monday to double up with VE Day - bizarre decision when we could have just had an extra one for VE Day) so today is 'Fake Friday' I'm looking forward to a lovely long weekend in the sunshine with Bread God and the dogs.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Well and here is this weeks Video Blog if you're that way inclined

1 comment:

  1. I had to figure out what 10kg was in lbs but it looks like we have you all beat. ;) I currently have a 50lb (22.6kg) bag of flour in my pantry!!! My husband is a crazy baker too. Glad you are hanging in there. Love the hair! :)


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