Friday, 15 February 2019

3 yrs 37 weeks - good news and possibly a mild concussion

The morning after the night (weekend) before

After Friday’s excitement, getting cold and wet, lost train tickets, taxis and lovely policemen, the news that I’ve achieved Lemtrada Gamer Level 4 Year Long Term Warrior. You would think the next thing I had on my ‘to do list’ would be to have a celebration and relax a little. Sadly this wasn’t the case, I got home just in time to start ‘implementation weekend’ for my project. This was a deployment which spanned a 24 hour period with key checkpoints at 7:30pm, 11:30pm, 04:00am, 07:30am, 11am, 14:30pm ……..

Needless to say I’m pretty broken. It’s going to take me about a week just to get my sleep back to a normal level and make this right again.

I’m pretty sure my thyroid going haywire again really isn’t helping matters; it really does completely flatten me when it’s misbehaving in a way MS never managed to.

In terms of life the world and everything, well the last couple of weeks has been a deluge of work and not much else, it’s existence and a never ending battle to keep ahead of the avalanche leaving no room for other stuff.

I’m not drowning, but I’m sure as heck not making much progress, treading water at best really. The fundamental thing is that’s good news – MS not getting worse is great, I just feel like I need to have something getting better as opposed to not getting worse if that makes sense. I just want it to be more

Its Valentine ’s Day today and we have a lovely meal planned at home along with a bottle of bubbly. Just a night on the sofa, cuddled up with a film; sounds about perfect to me. (Logistics of this with 3 dogs who also want to cuddle certainly doesn’t help with the romantic mood J)

Monday night went with a bang (not in a valentines type way) I lost my balance trying to rearrange the dogs on the sofa and went backwards over the coffee table. I neatly stopped my descent to the ground by using my head and right shoulder as a brake. OUCHIES …… I can’t lift my right arm without yelping like a baby and the banging in my head hasn’t stopped since. There’s a good chance I have a low grade concussion, but it’s not really stopping me doing much except I don’t seem to be able to remember what day of the week it is.
Oh and PS - I've just come back from a visit to my doctors appointment this afternoon - after the afternoon in an ambulance, heart worries which turned out to not be heart problems at all and the 'Do you know you have high blood pressure madam' converstion - apparently it's being in the back of n ambulance which raises my blood pressure because ouside one there's nothing wrong with it at all.

He is however sending me to a specialist about my arm - he wished me luck having the conversation with whoever I get through Bupa who tries to blame it on my MS - 4 years of MRI evidence of no progression and one of the top neurologists' in this country and MS specialist who has said it's not MS it's the neck injury causing the problems with my left arm and hand J

All of a sudden I feel like I've acomplished something - I've beaten my none existant blood preasure problem, I've a new specialist to house train ....

I think that calls for a celebratory G&T

Happy Friday my lovlies xxx

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