Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Week 44 - Month 10 bloods published

In a spectacularly epic fail I have managed to pick up Gareth’s Man Flu, I’m usually so good at not picking these things up but my germy plague monster husband has infected me. To say I’m not impressed is the understatement of the century and just as soon as my sinus’ re clear, I’m not sneezing or coughing I’m going to get my revenge on him. I swapped out Saturdays’ Oxygen Therapy in the HBOT tank for a Tuesday night ‘chair’ session which doesn’t involve being pressurised so for those of you with Tinnitus or other ear problem who don’t want to risk HBOT this is another option for you, just an oxygen tank, a mask and a comfy chair My body will only absorb about 60% of what it normally would but it is better than nothing.

My physio sessions have been going well, the impinged nerve and tennis elbow are now resolved, the only remaining thing to fix is the damaged ‘rotator cuff’ injury which I managed to acquire falling down the stairs the other week.

I’ve had a text from my MS nurse regarding the date for round 2 of Lemtrada saying I’m booked for May 18th again at Hotel Southampton. I guess it will be the same as last time I’ll have to confirm everything again on the actual day that there’s still a bed available for me. I have already asked if there will be more tests again this time and am waiting for an answer. The test from last time were 8 vials of blood for a number of reasons (including the AIDS test) urine samples to check I’m still not pregnant, chest x-ray to check I’ve still not got TB, MRI is already done unless they decide they want another and I’m REALLY hoping there’s no need for a Lumbar Puncture, or another smear for the second year in a row (women really don’t get to have any pride for these things)

We had another lovely quiet weekend as a prelude for the Easter Weekend, we’re off up to Wales to see Aunty Kathy with the dogs, we’re going to have our Christmas present from Kathy, the ‘Chef’s Table’ at the Michellin Starred Ynysir Hall, Looking forward very much to having a catch up, taking the dogs on lovely walks and just chilling out for a few days.

My March blood results are back and my lymphocytes seem to have stagnated a bit, presumably because they were rebalancing after my cold – so this month they stayed the same again BOOO – sort your lives out lymphocytes my team aren’t concerned about it though so I’m not going to dwell on it.

So what else is happening…..

I’ve gotten quite introspective of late, thinking about what I want out of life and my priorities right now. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day. Why am I sitting in an office looking out at the sunshine when I would rather be out in it? After all Vitamin D is great for people with MS surely I should be taking my free top up while it’s on offer? Well there’s the matter of money which is highly important, and stability also highly important. More I need to think about round 2 coming up how it might affect me (I might not get off scott free on round 2 with the fatigue etc) and there’s the money, oh yes and there’s the money. Sod it I’ve bought a lotto ticket for tonight’s Euro million’s it’s probably my best hope.

On the bright side the England Rugby Team not only managed to win the Six Nations, we did the Grand Slam too by winning it unbeaten. It made me feel so very proud of the team after the abysmal performance in the World Cup.

I watched the match through a never ending stream of tears, my family has always been great fans of Rugby Union, I even played on a boys team when I was a child (until they realised there was a girl on the pitch when I was 12/13 years old – boys are quite slow) To not be able to celebrate with my parents or my brother such a momentous win was just so painful and I suspect it’s always going to be that way.

Everything is good though MS wise – bring on round two and lets kick MS in the nuts a second time

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