Monday, 12 August 2024

So MS is the thing I'm least concerned about now

Not something I thought I would be saying and also if I['m going to be brutally honest with myself it's probably at least half of the problem.  but OMFG - Crohn's is awful.

There was a certain level of relief to know the toilet urgency was Crohn's not MS, I know why it's happening - that fact I can't just run to the bathroom or even move quickly is probably 50/50 on the MS and the Crohn's - or 95/05 on the MS depending on how you view the leg weakness, wobblies and balance - I can't run even on a good day but on a bad Crohn's day that little balance and coordination is shot to shit and I can barely even move my feet in a sitting position let alone standing up and trying to cross multiple rooms.

The 24*7 pain which can only be described as feeling like the Alien is trying to claw his way out of my abdomen is horrific and barely managed with a cocktail of Oral Morphine, Paracetamol and NuLeaf CBD oil but when he spasms start it doesn't matter what pain relief is being used it literally sends me to my knees

I'm now pretty much terrified of all food and drink with the exception of crisps and chocolate bars. When things don't follow the usual Crohn's 'Gone in 20 minutes protocol' - where in my world did I ever start thinking of the 'I'm going to need to plan for bathroom use 20 minutes after food' situation as not only stressful, traumatic sometimes and really bloody inconvenient - but it's also bloody fabulous because I'm not backed up inside everything is moving and it's a pain free day.

After a couple of weeks of what can only be described as a nightmare involving me blacking out from heatstroke and throwing up all over myself, needing wheelchair transfer just to get into the MS therapy centre to get Oxygen treatment, nearly missing bloods in London because I had to go back home the first 2 times I tried to leave at 6am. Don't take Co-Codamol ever again for pain management Tracy -the price is too high 😔

I'm picking up my sword - time to address the problems I can directly influence - what's inside me ......

Lighter life shakes for meals

Nothing solid consumed to enable insides to clean themselves out

Hopefully Ketosis which should help with energy levels

Bonus - should shift some Chubb 

I need something to work here because it's not just physical health this is getting to my mental health, turning me into a hermit (well more of a hermit) destroying my confidence and making me feel like I no longer have any value so fight the enemy you can see Tracy - the mirror tells me the biggest enemy I need to deal with is the shape I'm in - inside and out

watch this space

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