Monday, 4 March 2019

3yrs 40 weeks - Blood results and staying up all night

An unusual time for me to be posting, nearly 2am on March 4th, uner normal circumstances, you might be thinking that because yesterday was my birthday that I'm up late having been partying and possibly a little 'under the affluence of incahol'

Sadly this isn't the case, I'm stone code sober and sitting at my desk in the office rather cold and approaching the mid point for an overnight implementation. I'm running on coffee, domino's pizza and a side order or pretty grouchy if I'm totally honest. It's going well so far though so that's good.

I've been here since just after 7:30 last night and expecting to still be here until about lunch time today (feel quite sick just typing that if I'm honest) It's going to take me a good couple of weeks to get over this and get my sleep patterns back to something approaching normal.

My February blood results are finaly fully available the TSH was the late commer to the party as usual. After suddenly going Hyper last month resulting in yet another change of medication dose.

I was hoping for a bigger change if I'm honest but it's been a relatively tiny one, but then changing levels on Levothyroxine is a little like trying to turn an aircraft carrier in a small harbour - a 927 point turn thats going to take a LOOONG time to complete. Hopefully a more stable reading next month.

In other news my doctor referred me to a Spinal surgeon about the numbness in my left arm. The MRI's have once again ruled out MS being the root cause of the change so those nice people at Bupa have paved the way to get me looked at quickly. Turns out I have some 'narrowing of my C7 vertibrae with inflammation pushing the disc bit around to somewhere it shouldn't be and pressing on nerves.

Humourously the first line of attack to help resolve this is to put me on Gaberpentin to try and help deal with it (LOL - never needed the damn stuff for MS) we are giing it a few weeks to see if it makes some difference and if not he's going to put a needle in my neck and inject the area with steroids GULP ;-(

Amber-dog has had a 'funny do' over the last few days with her balance and back legs going, a mini dog stroke type event, but she has been much better today (yesterday now given the time) we were both pretty shaken up by it as we were with her last 'funny do'  few weeks ago. She was mum's dog before she was our dog, the last thing that my mum 'needs me' to do for her, to take care of her baby girl - I'm not ready for my mum not to need me, I don't think I ever will be so she has to keep going for ever.

So I'm sitting here at stupid o'clock in the morning, absolutely exhausted and contemplating another coffee and blathering at you to keep myself from snoozing - sorry about that, I'll stop now and let you all rest.

Take care, much love and ZZZzzzzzzzzzz

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So MS is the thing I'm least concerned about now

Not something I thought I would be saying and also if I['m going to be brutally honest with myself it's probably at least half of th...