Wednesday, 13 April 2016


I’ve been trying to write this for 3 days now and I’ve not posted it yet, it’s been a busy and hectic week for us this week; it feels like it’s been a head long dash from one end of the week half way into the next with barely a moment to draw breath. Monday and Tuesday last week involved a lot of shenanigans of bobbing back and forth to work to be there with our new dog walker for the first couple of walks to ensure she was happy and confident with walking them.
In the lead up to the upgrade of the Forum that Gareth and I co-own with a couple of lovely like minded football chaps, there was a lot of last minute testing, feedback review and the odd heated discussion about how things should work. The main problem with having 2 delivery manager / project managers in the same house is that we both know the best way to do ‘it’ but they are not the same way and we both ‘know’ our way is the better way.
I never made it to Oxygen Therapy on Saturday as by the time we were sure the migration to the new software was in a state that we could sleep it was very late. We had both had much wine and driving would not have been advisable. We drove down to Portsmouth at dinner time as Gareth’s Dad had come down for a few days with the family, it was lovely to see him and Gareth’s Grandmother (the last time we were all together was when we got back from France last year)
We arrived just in time to see The Grand National which as usual I had put my customary £20 of bets on a selection of horses. I had £2.50 Each Way on Rule the World at 50/1- a potential maximum return of £161.24. Rule the world had a decent jockey and had placed well in 2 other big races including the Irish National, so an each way bet was a good shout. He only went and WON the race … WOOHOO – that’s the main part of Gareth’s birthday present paid for!!!!
By the time we got back from Portsmouth I was absolutely shattered I made it through a couple of episodes of Gavin and Stacey and was out for the count on the sofa, I woke up at 2am to discover Gareth still doing things on the upgrade and went upstairs to sleep some more in the bed and left him to it.
Sunday was better, I was up early to walk the dogs (not a surprise after the marathon sleep) then I drove to Wokingham and had a ‘It’s not a baby shower’ lunch with the girls, the boys all got together somewhere else and drank beer – the girls  were far more civilised, a lovely meal and 3 bottles of sparkling water between us.
I went and did some food shopping after lunch to get mostly food for our menagerie of pets – the humans could survive for a while longer. Home and some more rest on the sofa to bring things back into balance a bit more.
I’ve been back in work now for a couple of days but the manic still hasn’t let up.
I met  the lovely Margaret my MS nurse at lunch time for the final checklist of what needs to be done before round 2. In relation to the X-Ray, both the lovely Dr C my neurologist and Southampton have said they don’t need one for round two  Margaret is going to sort out a sealed needle thing for the monthly bloodletting on Friday – my usual monthly bloods require 3 bottle changes which isn’t too bad when the needle is in my arm, however they are also taking the pre-treatment tests which last time required 8 bottle changes – 11 changes would be a nightmare so I’ve asked can the use the needle with the tube attached and the plug in bit at the end of the tube bit so the needle doesn’t have to be held for each bottle change.
Amber dog had another epileptic fit on Monday night – actually it might have been her second as when the dog walker arrived yesterday she had attacked the veg rack in the kitchen. Her fits usually happen twice in 12 hours so I suspect she had one yesterday morning too because they leave her confused and ravenously hungry I guess potato’s, onions and garlic were the only thing she could get at on her own. She's fitted twice this year now and she usually only fits in the summer so I took her to get her bloods redone again in Tuesday night, I have a sneaking suspicion that she may need to have a medication change. Her vet said that she doesn’t seem to be processing the Phenobarbital properly as the dose she’s on is probably enough for a Great Dane.
And finally we get to Wednesday, I’m in the Bracknell office for the next couple of days, which will be quite busy with a quick post treatment trip to the Physio tomorrow to confirm the injury to my shoulder is all fine now (which since it isn’t giving me huge amounts of pain is a certainty, it is a little weak though)Our new dog walker this morning has told us she’s hurt her neck and shoulder but will pop in and play with the dogs in the garden and make sure they’re ‘emptied’ at the usual time. It’s a nightmare, what we really need is someone who pops in at lunchtime and does this Monday to Thursday. I'm not bothered about the 2 hours of dog walking a day, they’re our dogs, making sure they get sufficient exercise is our responsibility and not something way pay someone to do on our behalf. What we really need is this type of arrangement properly to give them the  break in the day  and the human company.
On Friday we are off ‘oop norf’ to Halifax to go and visit Gareth’s family for the weekend, it’s his birthday next Tuesday and for the first time in a long time his folks are going to get to see him rather than posting cards and gifts down to him.
So back to the drawing board for Pup’s, birthday preparations for husband, travel preparations for the weekend, project madness at work and a new ‘personal project’ that for a few weeks will need to remain quiet to see what happens. I never learn, I keep saying I’ll slow down and I never do – can’t teach and old dog new tricks seems quite appropriate for me right now.

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 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...