Monday, 23 November 2015

Week 27 And Winter is officially here

Week 27 – YAY I’m officially on the downward stretch to my second treatment in May next year. I’ve done so very well so far the little voice in my head whispers ‘are you sure you really need to have round 2’ but the little voice is talking complete and utter nonsense – to even contemplate not having the 2nd treatment would be like getting off a train half way to your destination and then complaining that you’re not there yet. Sometimes you just get lucky and the immune system learns it’s lesson the first time it’s taught it.

All my improvements are still holding since Lemtrada, my left hand remains unchanged, still partially numb and those horrid electric worms are still there. It was the first thing that was traceable as MS related symptoms for me, so I suppose if repairs and improvements are working on a ‘first in / last out’ basis then it’s all going to plan.

The weekend has been spectacularly uneventful lots of rest, relaxation and chilling out with only the odd excursion to do essential stuff – like shopping so we didn’t turn feral :-)

I discovered in CostCo last weekend that they do High Dose Turmeric in tablet form – I know the purists out there in Turmeric land are shuddering at the heresy of even contemplating that, but it’s 95% circumin and I’m only taking the recommended dose (so is Amber-Dog) and my aching arthritic finger joints are not sore, or swollen and Amber-Dog is bouncing around like a puppy which for a nearly 10 year old Beagle is pretty much unheard of. She’s back at the vets tonight – I suspect on Friday she will be in for an operation again – The same one as 4 weeks ago, but this time on her left eye. Poor thing, she doesn’t seem bothered by the eye at all, and doesn’t understand why we’re constantly putting drops in it but it’s for her own good.
It' was -2 degrees this morning in Berkshire, a nice thick layer of frost on the cars and rather chilly. Fortunately we can just start the cars and let them warm up by themselves where we live so by the time I left for work it was defrosted and lovely and warm inside without my hands freezing to the steering wheel.

It’s a 4 day week at work this week WOOHOO – Thursday night we drive up to the Midlands then Friday the Good Food Show at the NEC – I’m so excited. As a ‘foodie’ this is the event of the year to see some celebrity chefs preparing yummy things, to try lots of lovely samples from traditional food makers and just revel in the smells and tastes on offer. I’m hoping that we can get some Christmas gift for the family while we are there - it shouldn’t ‘entirely’ be overindulgence just for ourselves. My Left leg seems very weak and the knee very wobbly this week, that’s mildly concerning with the plan to do lots of walking. I’ve just bitten the bullet and called the mobility centre at the NEC to try to book a mobility scooter – they’re fully booked naturally, but I’m the first one on the waiting list if there’s a cancellation. Worst case if my leg does decide to play silly buggers I’m registered for one now even if it’s later in the day and only for part of it. In the interim I might have a hunt for my folding walking stick (goodness knows where that ended up in the house move – I vaguely recall it being in a suitcase but after that its location is a mystery) – Please note I’m not saying this is a set back / relapse / deterioration in any way shape of form, I’m simply taking precautions and am aware of my own limitations and the project manager in me has to plan so that I can have my fun regardless.

I got an update from the Dog Trainer who has Winston on Friday – apparently the little sh-darling has been trying to dig under the fences in the secure play field to escape. He’s settled in well, and his training starts in earnest today. I do hope that he becomes star pupil and becomes the secure confident pup we know he can be. It would be lovely to know when we’re out walking he won’t react to everyone and everything we see without barking hysterically and jumping around like a crazy thing. Another 3 weeks to go – I hate that we’ve had to do this, I feel like we’ve failed him – abandoned him to someone else, but it’s so scary to contemplate that a person or another dog could get hurt by his boisterous enthusiasm and something we’re just not prepared to risk.

On a final note I’ve just realised the girl who sits opposite me at work is not just bi-lingual – she’s tri-lingual and she puts my linguistic skills to shame – I now feel more than a little intimidated and must practice more.

Happy last week of November Ladies and Gentlemen xxx

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Still here just really rubbish at updates

 I'd apologise and make promises but let's face it you're sick of that by now and know it's all hot air - I am sorry and I a...